Exploring America’s Literary Landscapes: Motorcycle Tours to Iconic Author Haunts with EagleRider


When literature and adventure collide, magic happens. For book lovers and travel enthusiasts alike, exploring the haunts and landscapes that inspired their favorite authors can be an exhilarating journey. With EagleRider’s motorcycle tours, you can combine your love for literature with the thrill of the open road. Let’s embark on a literary expedition to iconic author haunts across America, where each ride is a page-turner, and every destination is a chapter waiting to be explored.

Literature Meets the Open Road

EagleRider’s motorcycle tours are not just about riding; they’re about storytelling. These journeys are designed to connect literature and landscapes, letting you ride through the very settings that have inspired countless authors. As you cruise down scenic highways, imagine the words of great writers echoing in your mind.

From the Shores of Cape Cod to Stephen King’s Maine

For fans of classic American literature, the East Coast offers a treasure trove of iconic author haunts. Head to Cape Cod, the backdrop for many of Henry David Thoreau’s writings, and follow in the footsteps of “Walden.” Or journey to Bangor, Maine, the hometown of Stephen King, where you can explore the eerie and imaginative landscapes that have fueled his legendary tales of horror.

Mark Twain’s Mississippi River Adventures

Hop on your motorcycle and travel down the Mississippi River, much like the characters in Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Experience the same sense of freedom and adventure as Twain’s beloved characters, taking in the picturesque towns along the way.

The South: William Faulkner’s Mississippi

In the heart of Mississippi, you’ll find the landscapes that inspired William Faulkner’s novels. Faulkner’s home, Rowan Oak, is open for visitors, and the nearby town of Oxford offers glimpses into the fictional Yoknapatawpha County.

Riding Through Steinbeck’s California

John Steinbeck’s novels often depicted the struggles of the American working class. Explore the lush valleys and rugged coastline of California’s Central Coast, which served as the backdrop for classics like “The Grapes of Wrath” and “Cannery Row.”

Walt Whitman’s New York

Walt Whitman’s poetry was deeply influenced by his love for New York City and the surrounding landscapes. Take a ride through the vibrant streets of Brooklyn, where Whitman spent much of his life, and explore the waterfront areas that inspired his verses.

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Concord

Visit Concord, Massachusetts, where you can ride through the historic town that was home to several renowned authors, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Louisa May Alcott, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. The scenery of this charming New England town is a testament to the inspiration these authors found in their surroundings.

The Freedom to Explore

EagleRider’s motorcycle tours give you the freedom to explore author haunts at your own pace. Stop at literary landmarks, bookstores, and museums, or simply ride through the landscapes that have shaped literary history. Each twist of the throttle brings you closer to the essence of your favorite books.


Literature and travel share the power to transport us to different worlds. With EagleRider’s motorcycle tours, you can merge your love for the written word with the thrill of the open road. Riding through iconic author haunts is like stepping into the pages of your favorite novels. The landscapes become characters, and the journey becomes an adventure of literary proportions. So, gear up, hop on your motorcycle, and start your own literary expedition with EagleRider. The literary landscapes of America await your exploration, one ride at a time.